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Hosting > Domains > Register Domain

Register a Domain Name

Differences between domains .net, com, .org .tv etc Why australian business should select .com.au domains instead of .com Should you register all domain names for your business. E.g. company name is abc should I purchase abc.com.au, abc.com, abc.net.au, abc.net ect

Differences between domains .net, com, .org .tv etc Why australian business should select .com.au domains instead of .com Should you register all domain names for your business. E.g. company name is abc should I purchase abc.com.au, abc.com, abc.net.au, abc.net ect

Did you know there are over 300 million registered domain names? Domain names are managed by domain providers (like IT&T). Domain registration is an important step in establishing a website. For anyone who wants to create a website they will need to register a domain name for it with a domain provider.

Register a domain name

When establishing a new website, domain registration is an important step in making the website live and accessible for users. So, how do you register a domain?

To register a domain name in Australia, the process is easy. You simply need to look up whether the domain name you want is available, make sure you’re eligible for that domain name and extension, register and purchase the domain name with a domain provider and ensure you renew it when required.

When you register a domain with IT&T, your domain name registration will be processed once the domain application form has been completed. The registration process takes only minutes. An email will be sent confirming domain registration once processed.

Which domain name should I choose?

You may be wondering whether you should be purchasing a domain name which ends in .com, .net, .com.au, .org, .tv or any of the many other options now available to users.

There are some considerations you will need to keep in mind before purchase. If you’re purchasing a domain name for an Australian company or organisation which only services the Australian market you will want to select options with the .au domain extension. This will give you better visibility to Australian users via search engines and is better for branding. However, if you offer services globally, you may be better to opt for .com or other global options.

There are restrictions when registering domain names with the .au extension. To register .com.au and .net.au domains, you need to be a sole trader, business, or company and provide an Australian Business Number (ABN). To register .org.au domains your organisation must be a non-profit organisation or registered charity. To register a .asn.au domain, your organisation must be a non-profit Australian association, club, sporting group or political party.

Does it matter who I register my domain name with?

You can register your domain name with any domain provider, however, the costs and service levels will vary. When you register with IT&T you get cheaper rates as well as access to great local customer service.

Does it matter who I register my domain name with?

You can register your domain name with any domain provider, however, the costs and service levels will vary. When you register with IT&T you get cheaper rates as well as access to great local customer service.

Should I register multiple domains?

It’s a good idea to purchase multiple domain names with different extensions so that competitors or other businesses can’t buy up domain names similar to yours.This can dilute your presence online or confuse potential customers.

For e.g. if your domain name is www.springfieldlegalcentre.com.au but another company purchased www.springfieldlegalcentre.com, www.springfieldlegalcentre.net and www.springfieldlegalcentre.net.au it could get awfully confusing and make it harder for you to rank well via search engines.

The best strategy is to select a domain name which is available across many formats and purchase them all.

Helpful tips when registering a domain

The only characters allowed are letters, digits and a hyphen (-)

Spaces are not allowed

The domain name should be between 3 and 63 characters long

www. is not actually part of the domain name

You can buy as many domain names as you wish

Domain names are NOT cAsE sEnSiTiVe - so abc.com is the same as ABC.com

Registration for available domains takes only minutes. Find out if a domain name is available to register below.

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