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How IT&T phone systems can help your hospitality business

June 23, 2021

hotel phone system_hospitality phone system


In the fast paced, hustle and bustle environment of hospitality, clear communication is the only thing that keeps the whole show on the rails. It’s what prevents two people being booked into the same room, what ensures that your chef has all the ingredients he needs for the day, and what makes certain that the person with the severe peanut allergy at table 23 isn’t accidentally served a dish of satay chicken. Communication is the barrier between order and chaos, the saving grace of a frantic and rushed workforce, the only way to make absolutely certain that your business is running the way it should be. And this begins with the phone systems.

All hospitality businesses are heavily reliant on their phone systems, and it’s for this reason that these businesses need the most effective, useful, and business-suited systems, which they often don’t. That’s where we come in. At IT&T, our objective is to make sure you have the best possible phone system, and more specifically the best phone system for your specific business, as they are all different. No two hospitality businesses serve the same food, house guests in the same way, and therefore no two will need the exact same phone system. But we are incredibly adaptable, and can consult with any business to design the best suited phone system, no matter the specifics.

Series of Hospitality Solutions

As has been noted many times before, IT&T works closely in conjunction with Panasonic, to deliver the best quality phone systems to any and all businesses, no matter the field. But in speaking specifically of hospitality, Panasonic has a number of units designed specifically for businesses in this field. Originally announced in 2018, Panasonic sports the Series of Hospitality Solutions, which is described by BusinessWire as “a set of scalable, cost-effective unified communications solutions designed to support the specific needs of the hospitality industry. Obviously in the hospitality industry, cost-effectiveness is one of the key terms, so a series of phone systems that saves the business money is desired above all, and that is what IT&T is happy to offer, in conjunction with Panasonic.

One feature that is key for operating a phone system in the hospitality industry is the ability to unify a workforce that is by design fairly segregated. In order to combat this, IT&T and Panasonic's systems allow for multiple locations and satellite sites to be combined via one interface. This allows for businesses to do more with less, meaning it allows any worker to perform more complex tasks, and further increases the efficiency of your business. Using Panasonic systems, 1,000 users at 16 locations will be able to operate via the same phone system, which centralises a business and streamlines its operation.

One added extra from this specific way of operating is that it ensures all workers are across the same technology, giving an essentially fluid workforce which has the capability to work at multiple locations and still be aware and able to operate the same systems. Moving all communications into one system also greatly decreases any operating errors, as well as limits miscommunication, and in general increases a businesses productivity by a wide margin. This format also gives staff the ability to include third-party systems and technology into the main system, which ensures an almost seamless transition for both the business and its workers.

Working Remotely

In hospitality, the workforce is somewhat mobile, even as it inhabits a single location. Front desk communicating with cleaners, waiters reaching out to the cooks and chefs, it is a complex grapevine that needs adequate support, otherwise collapsing and leaving the workforce in chaos. IT&T and Panasonic recognise this, and are able to offer DECT Wireless handsets, which operate as in-house personal mobile phones, allowing all staff to be accessible no matter when or where they are. These are the perfect solution to businesses still struggling with clunky, old walkie-talkies, which are past their use by date and prone to incidents.

If this doesn’t allow your workers enough mobile freedom, there is an even more freeing option, with Panasonic’s Media Relay Gateway, which allows workers to turn their personal cell phone into an extension of their desk phones, through an app which can be dialled through an extension. Your workers can work anywhere, doing anything, and as long as they are carrying their personal smartphone (which they will be), they will be able to be contacted by other workers, or clients. This is particularly useful given the current climate, where all Australians are adapting to working remotely, either from home or isolated in another location. Given this, it is crucial that a business phone system adapts to its workforce, and given the propensity for workers to want to work mobile, this feature is one which helps a business keep pace with the modern world.

Succeeding in Hospitality

In Hospitality, the way that customers perceive your business is the only thing that separates success and failure. All businesses fear the dreaded negative Yelp review, and one of the most commonly complained-about issues is a businesses communicative efforts, or lack there-of. It is crucial in today's world that hospitality businesses can communicate with all customers, in multiple ways, and this begins with a strong and effective phone system. IT&T and Panasonic are keenly aware of this, and offer a system that is consistent enough to cover all businesses, but fluid enough to adapt to whatever your business needs are. Our systems allow for hundreds of users from multiple sites to be combined into one system, and in doing so cuts costs to business and allows for less errors and more succinct communication. This is only further helped by the capability of these systems to allow workers to work remotely, either by supplying personal phone systems, or by downloading the system to the workers' very own phone. However you look at it, IT&T phone systems are the most effective, the best operating, and the most cost effective systems for businesses in an industry where the bottom line rules all. Need a Hospitality phone system? IT&T have you covered.

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